Friday, March 14, 2008


It'S Not So Crazy
It's not so crazy to think I can write a poem
but it has been downright excruciating
to find the right words emerging
from where I never even knew there were..

I held to self-evident truths,like:
all men are created equal... !
Again, I didn't mean a bunch of plattitudes,
I really meant to write beautiful unknown words
seeking to short-circuit minds and hearts
and really have them pumping: Great!
It was not so crazy to think
that a simple soul like mine
rejoiced in attempting for one time,
to know the veritable power of the word,
this man's gift that reveals man's true scope.
But I do not hope to know any glory
nor any power. I know this is only folly.
It is set down.
Never again will I dream to write a poem
or to find the meaning of words unknown.

Aia Mozart


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